Financial coaching

Your very own financial personal trainer

We can teach you how to take control of your money and finances, understand your business financials and cash flow, set up great financial foundations and create sensible money habits so you can start living your rich life today.

Our coaching programs

Personal money program

  • Knowing your WHY - Identify and articulate your motivations and goals.
  • Your financial road map - Create a comprehensive plan to achieve financial objectives.
  • Your cash flow system - Develop a system to manage income and expenses effectively.
  • KEEP the money you make - Implement strategies to retain more earnings and optimise savings.
  • Getting out of debt - Develop a contingency plan for unexpected financial challenges.
  • Your Plan B - Create a personalised plan to reduce and eliminate liabilities.
  • Money making money - Create an investment strategy to grow your money over time.
  • Financial freedom - Achieve financial freedom with a sustainable long-term plan.
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Business profit mastery program

  • In-depth analysis - Analyse your current business financial situation comprehensively.
  • Cash flow coaching - Provide coaching on effective business cash flow management.
  • Financial statements guidance - Guide you in understanding and interpreting your financial statements.
  • Profitability strategies - Develop strategies to maximise your business profitability.
  • Income allocation plan - Create a tailored plan for income distribution among business bank accounts.
  • Monthly reviews - Conduct monthly progress reviews and adjust financial strategies.
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